

Jewish women have been the backbone of Klal Yisroel for thousands of years. They’ve raised the leaders of the nation, utilized their strength and wisdom to build households, care for their families, and bring hope and light during troubled times. They’ve made sure the needs of their husbands, children, and communities were taken care of.

But who is taking care of them??

Women are notorious for putting themselves last. The needs of others have always been their top priority…for better or for worse. The rate of undetected cancers and other illnesses have been numerous, as women don’t feel they have the time or money to think or care about themselves. They won’t recognize the need to take care of their own health until it is sometimes too late.

But the non-profit organization, Bishvilaych, has changed all that in Israel. Religious women are no longer only going to the doctor when they are very ill. With their promotion of early detection education and wellness visits, Bishvilaych has encouraged women to protect and help themselves so they can continue to help their families.

Bishvilaych is revolutionizing the way we look at healthcare in the religious Israeli world, with approbation from the Gedolei Hador. They advocate on a national level for women’s health in numerous areas as breast cancer awareness, heart health, gynecological and intimacy issues, mental health counseling, proper nutrition and views on body image, as well as providing medical care in all of these fields and more. Bishvilyach reaches women through their clinics, as well as in community lectures, schools, and businesses all over the country, providing them with the needed information and motivation to take ownership of their health, so they are not pouring from an empty cup. Bishvilaych has become the go-to establishment for women’s healthcare in Israel.

Bishvilaych carries the financial burden for these important initiatives and medical services by fundraising around the world. But with Covid-19 preventing travel, they are short on funds to keep their life-saving programming and facilities running.

This is where YOU come in.

Bishvilaych is launching a fundraising campaign in honor of the yahrzeit of Rochel Imeinu, the mother of Klal Yisroel, to protect the lives of ALL the mothers of Klal Yisroel. This vital organization is saving lives every single day—and your donations are what makes that happen! Countless women can be helped on YOUR dollar!

They care for us—now let’s care for them! Donate today!

For Israel donations:

Credit Card Donations


For bank transfers

Bank Hapoalim

Beit Briut Haisha Bishviliaych

Branch # 698 Share Hair

Rechon Yaffo 216, Jerusalem

Account # 563336

Donations in England:

British Friends of Bishvilaych Charity #1112486

British Friends of Bishvilach

Natwest Bank

Account Number 37542621

Branch sort code 60-20-22

National Westminster Bank Plc


IBAN GB43 NWBK 6020 2237 542621

Natwest Bank

Branch details: Stoke Newington (B) Branch L98 Stoke Newington High St London N16 7GA

Check Mailing Address:





N16 68.Z

Donations in Canada:

Jewish Heritage Foundation

32 Brookview Dr

Toronto, Ontario


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